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How To Live A Healthy Life

The ParentsCarers, and Teachers are the guides in children's life. So this are some important information that will help to your kids be healthy and acquire excellent nutriotional habits. 


Food is Delicious… Enjoy your food


It's very importat to share a meal with your kids at home or at school, it is a great way to enjoy food.

Select some balanced food, and let your kids make a choice of food. And everybody comments what was their choice.

This will motivate the children to select and organize a balanced food.  


Breakfast is a very important meal


Everybody need energy to work, specially kids.

After a night’s sleep, energy levels are low. So, when your kids are off to school, or out and about at the weekend, let them start the day with breakfast. Plenty of carbohydrates is just the ticket: try toast or bread, or cereal with milk, fruit or yoghurt.

Try different foods every day, diversity is the recipe for health


Your kids need over 40 different nutrients  every day for good health.

That's why it is important to balance your kid's daily choices. There are no good or bad foods, so your kids do not need to miss out on the foods they enjoy. The best way to make sure they get the right balance is to eat a wide variety of foods each day.

Too much fat is not good for your health


Kids that eat too many of those fatty foods might not be so good for their body. Also go easy on fat spreads such as butter and margarines. Although they need some fats to get all the nutrients they need, it is better for their health if we don’t let them eat too much of these foods and get knocked off balance.

So, if you let them have a high-fat lunch, see if you can help them to have a low-fat dinner at home.


Think outside the playing field.


Maybe your kids are not drawn to organized sports such as soccer or baseball.

It's important to look for other activities your child will enjoy, like dancing, rock climbing, swimming, or martial arts.

You need to have patience, it may take some trial and error before your kids find the right fit.

Limit screen time.


The kids get no more than one to two hours of screen time a day, whether that's watching TV, surfing the Internet, or playing video games. But many children spend four or more hours each day in front of a screen.

You need to encourage active alternatives to these passive pastimes, such as shooting hoops at the localplayground, walking the dog, or a game of tag.



Join in the game.


Kids love it when their parents or teachers play with them. So encourage children's fitness by taking a family or classmate hike. Have a game of catch.

Parents can walk or bike to school together. 

Offer positive feedback.


Praise a child for perfecting that handstand or figuring out how to pump those legs to swing high in the sky.

Out-of-shape or uncoordinated children need to hear encouragement for reaching even small goals, such as walking or biking further than last time. 

The kids need all the support and cheerleading you can offer. Nagging or negative comments don't work and will only serve to make your child feel bad.



- Kid Fitness: When Your Child Won't Exercise. Consulted in:

- 10 healthy lifestyle tips for kids. Consulted in:

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